botZilla : A Programming Challenge.
by Steve Baker
Known Bugs & Limitations.
- The Speech Balloon feature isn't working yet. You robot can
send speech but it won't appear yet.
- The animation of some of the robots isn't quite right when
they are using a 'SPEEDUP' collectible or walking backwards.
Since neither of these things affects the result of the contest,
these problems will be fixed in time for the actual contest.
Improvements since 0.1.3
- Added collectibles.
- Added speech balloons.
- Robots can now move slowly backwards.
- You can find out more information about the enemy robots inside your robot control progr
Improvements since 0.1.2
- Added LOTS more bot graphics. There are now 15 different
models to choose from. That should be enough to allow every
competitor to have their own unique graphic throughout the
- Added ability to select which graphic each bot uses (see
the comments in 'data/robots.dat' for details).
- On-screen scoring now switches into two columns when there
are more than 7 robots.
- Each robot has it's own unique icon.
- If you have a pair of 3D glasses (the Red/Cyan kind), put
them on with the red lens over your left eye and hit 'S'
(for 'stereo') hit 'S' again to go back to normal rendering.
- While testing, you can run 'zilla' with a '-d' command-line
option to disable the shrinking force-field effect.
- Added a few more building types.
- In v0.1.2, the graphic images of the bots didn't match the icons in the
on-screen scoring. That's also fixed now - it's a lot easier to see
which 'bot is which.
- I changed the code that flies the camera around to do a smoother job
and to try to avoid having all of the action happen behind a large
building. It's still not ideal - but it's a lot better than in 0.1.2.
- There was a bug in the code that tries to avoid putting two bots
too close together at the start of the game. It was VERY unlikely
to be a problem in two player combats - but cause real grief with
20 robots in the arena at once!
- The only change to 'bot behavior from 0.1.2 is related what happens
if the bot sends the simulator a NaN or an Inf. In this case, the
bot will be frozen in place until it ceases to send illegal numbers.
Improvements since 0.1.1
- Zilla version 0.1.1 doesn't incorporate the shrinking forcefield
effect. That's fixed in version 0.1.2 and later.
- When you do a CHOMP action and there was nothing there to chomp on,
the animation happened anyway. That doesn't affect the underlying
simulation - but it's confusing to look at. That's also fixed in
- Version 0.1.2 and later includes a command-line flag '-a' to
make the game end automatically after 5 seconds when only one bot
is left standing.
- For some unexplained reason, the music and sound effects didn't
seem to work under Windows. There is a work-around for this in
version 0.1.2 and later.
- I finished working on the 'complex_robot' - it actually does
a pretty reasonable job now - it's very hard to beat with the
joystick controlled 'bot.